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Should condoms be available in high school essay

Should condoms be available in high school essay

should condoms be available in high school essay

Essay Fountain: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately Jul 17,  · Further, a high school student needs to follow standard essay writing guidelines. One of the most common essays written by high school students are argumentative and persuasive titles. These kinds of essays are common as they are used to highlight issues in the public domain Jul 23,  · Condoms should be used when performing oral sex on a penis, and dental dams should be used for anal or vaginal oral sex. A college student's calendar should include more than midterms and essay due dates: be sure to pencil in important checkups and STD tests. High school sweethearts usually break up around Thanksgiving Break of their

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They have indeed said and are doing this. If we self-respecting white men refer to the Great Replacement, we are paranoid nuts; when our enemies refer to it, they are referring to an inevitable, natural phenomenon, something that is a force majeure and the sum of all good. Crimethink meets Doublespeak. A box of condoms offered in Africa equals three fewer drownings in the Mediterranean Sea,euros of savings for French Family Assistance, two prison cells freed up, and three inches of ice floe saved from global warming.

The truth always is, for them. Camus came to prominence in intellectual circles in the late s as a flamboyant homosexual writer who limned the freewheeling gay sex underworld, should condoms be available in high school essay. His famous — to our enemies, infamous — book was titled Le Grand Remplacement. It has never been entirely translated into English, but Camus himself has translated excerpts from it, combined with extracts from some of his other writings and has published it under the title, You Will Not Replace Us!

Once in a while, when he is in the mood, and that is more and more often the case, he tears off and devours a leg or an arm, but people go on handling tea cups and discussing train timetables or the advisability of changing the wallpaper over him as if he were some kind of deconstructed sofa, blood all over the chairs and the carpet notwithstanding. Camus starts out by noting that the idea of replacement is central to modern industrial societies, should condoms be available in high school essay that replacements, imitations, and fakes abound.

Consumer society relies on planned obsolescence and deems things and people inherently worthless, disposable, and interchangeable:.

For better or worse, everything is being replaced by something should condoms be available in high school essay something simpler, more convenient, more practical, easier to produce, more at hand and, of course, cheaper. Las Vegas displays a fake Venice in Nevada, Spain establishes a mock Las Vegas in Castilla, China has its own Paris near Peking — a much safer place than the real one for the traveler and for the local dweller alike.

But of course it is the replacement of the peoples of European descent in their homelands which is his main focus:. I have coined the phrase Great Replacement in French Grand Remplacement to denote the brutal change of population which has been taking place in France and in Europe since the beginning of the last quarter of the last century; and which has been gaining momentum ever since.

It undermines the very identity of the nation or the people targeted by the swamping. The major threat associated with it is that it might very well be irreversible. The population submitted to mass migration and ethnic submersion is should condoms be available in high school essay being killed or expelled, save for some unfortunate exceptions, which are becoming more and more numerous.

The fact remains that entire streets, districts, towns, regions, not to mention schools, which had for centuries been the home of a given population, suddenly have an entirely different one. The face of the country has been transformed to an unimaginable extent. He knows that this gaslighting is just one of the parlor tricks used by the floating class which meets at Davos and controls the means of communications.

I have said time and again that the Great Replacement was neither a theory nor a concept. I wish to God it had been that, and nothing else, instead of being a horrible tragedy, a monstrous crime against humanity, an ecological and biodiversitarian disaster.

The Great Replacement is not a theory, it is a ghastly fact, and my name for it, adequate to a degree, is like the Great Plague, the Great Fire, the Great War or the Great Depression. The Jews, of course, are the most race-conscious people on Earth; and they are also the people who most vehemently push the idea that there are no races.

These two things are connected. I am deeply convinced that the termination of the concept of raceat least in France, in the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, was the key moment which made everything that followed possible; and, even more decisively, made almost impossible any resistance to what was to happen — mass immigration, mass migration, invasion, colonization, ethnic substitution, in short the Great Replacement.

Antiracism, after the proclamation of the new dogma, c. Still, the most influential event of all was the proclamation of the dogma — the official announcement that there was no such thing as races. When people know only one thing, which is more and more frequent, especially amongst students, they know that, that is what they know.

And the more they know nothing else, the more they are convinced of the truthfulness of that. He rightly notes that the idea that there are no races is not so much an assertion of fact but a religious dogma, an article of faith, with heretics who disagree burnt at the stake.

Getting should condoms be available in high school essay of the concept of races is not the combating of a biological fact, but rather of ridding society of a moral pollution or spiritual contagion:. The dogma of the inexistence of races, proclaimed in the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, is the credo quia absurdum of both antiracism and Global Replacism.

It has much in common with the Roman Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Marywhich was also proclaimed at a rather late stage by Catholicism. Both make sense only in a rather far-fetched theological order of meaning and are an obvious challenge to common sense. If the idea that there are no races is the signature of the Great Replacement, the notion of equality is a close second.

Equality, as soon as it leaves its legal and political bed, destroys everything it touches — vessels, ramparts, cities, men — as Æschylus said Helen of Troy did. Equality between parents and children has destroyed the family, transmission of culture, civilization.

Equality between teachers and pupils, or between good pupils and bad pupils, has destroyed schools, teaching, knowledge. Equality between high culture and entertainment has destroyed culture. Equality between citizens and non-citizens is destroying citizenship, states, nations. Equality between century-old local traditions and mores and imported ways of life and foreign traditions will leave nothing standing, or worth standing, of any nation. In France and in Europe, equality between Christianity and Islam spells death for French culture and European civilization.

Object to equality, and you are straightaway ostracized, marginalized, and demonized. Equality is the sine qua non of genocide. White Genocide will be the first genocide perpetrated and justified on humanitarian grounds, should condoms be available in high school essay.

Although ironically, equality is the last thing they want. They want advantages and to put the white race underfoot. Equality is not so much a principle for our enemies as it is a weapon; a means to grain power over us. That is what makes equality, should condoms be available in high school essay, as well as antiracism, so precious to Global Replacism, to the universal petite-bourgeoisie, to the industries of man, and to Davocracy; and that is what explains why it is so easy, for the hyper-class, to find arrangements, either secret or open ones, with the equalitarian left, and why they support it, financially or otherwise.

That is why corporations fell all over themselves giving money and support to Black Lives Matter. That is why the CEO of putatively conservative Chick-Fil-A once got on his knees and shined the shoes of a black man.

Camus sees capital and the Left as being fully in sync with one another in that both hate borders, standards, distinctions between people, and anything else that might constitute an obstacle to homogenizing the human race and making us all mindless cattle ready for the knife. It is replacing Bach and Beethoven with the banality of the Beatles. This cultural devolution renders a civilization weak and makes it unable to stand with confidence against the onslaught of those elites that seek to replace it.

This cultural degradation is the prerequisite for the replacement of our peoples. His primary example of this is music, and he specifically notes how white culture had been taken over by black culture — black culture as emanating from the insidious and imperial cultural leviathan that is America. Plato said that when the music changes, should condoms be available in high school essay, the gates of the city crash. Today, these culture-destroyers are well inside the gates.

They are up in the corner offices, dispensing cultural trash and catchy mind viruses:. The change of meaning of the word music implies a massive change in geographical reference. Music in the new sense — pop music, rock, rap, etc. Even French or other continental European singers willingly sing in English or American rhythms.

Those rhythms, generally binary, military, insistent and disquieting like the obstinate sound boom-boom, should condoms be available in high school essay, boom-boom, boom-boom of an artificial heart in the operation room of a hospital, are themselves largely inspired, if only through jazz, by African musical traditions. He also sees this small replacement in the lowering of educational standards.

The chief villain in this regard in France was Pierre Bourdieu, a prominent educational theorist. Bourdieu observed that the children of parents who were themselves educated had a tendency to do better in school and were traditionally cultured. Bourdieu saw this as unfair and set out to level the process, and his influence was wide and pernicious:. Bourdieu was, of course, very much against the situation he was describing should condoms be available in high school essay aptly.

He, at least, and, I imagine, most of the innumerable disciples he has had in France — where they have been running the educational system for forty years —, and in the world, wanted the privilege of children with educated parents put to an end, as a privilege, by being offered to all children. But of course when you offer this privilege to every child, you offer it to none. When you offer culture to the masses, you end up with no culture.

Cultural Inheritors are the most precious parts of any society: they should be protected with great care, and their number, whenever possible, enlarged. Culture, to thrive, needs a cultivated class. Culture is for a very important part an inheritance, this cultivated class must be partly hereditary that is: it must be a class.

For that reason it has to be partly renewed with each generation. At present, the cultural signals from generation to generation have been cut off, and we see the results of this in the demeaned and degraded state of our civilization.

They want to be the feudal lords without any obligations to the serfs. In America, we see Big Tech continually censoring any speech which deviates from the politically-correct party line. Camus has another term for these global predators: FAANG Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. The new world order schemers have the ultimate aim of creating a homogenous population of coffee-colored serfs: docile, predictable, and interchangeable.

Camus also traces the history of this method that is being used to create an anti-white dystopia. Taylor was a Princeton-educated Quaker descended from settlers who came to America on the Mayflower. He invented the system of scientific management, which brought regimented work and soon bled into all parts of modern life.

He turned men into a cogs and replaceable parts in a machine. As an epigraph to You Will Not Replace Us! Frederick Winslow Taylor is the central figure of the history of Replacism, or pre-Replacism.

Although he is certainly not a figure of comparable intellectual scope, he is to Replacism what Marx is to Communism. That, of course, is an enormous responsibility.

Taylor is the creator of UHM Undifferentiated Human Matternot to mention deaths by drowning across the Mediterranean. Taylorism means man will be replaced by machines robots, electronics, computers, numbers, statistics.

The civilization that white people created will not survive their eclipse. What will succeed it will not be a new civilization or a new culture but will be an anti-civilization, should condoms be available in high school essay, an anti-culture; the machine will go on as before, but to the undiscerning eye it will be indistinguishable from what operates it:. Products, objects, instruments, machine parts will cost should condoms be available in high school essay, in time and money, and will henceforth yield bigger profits, if they are the same and can be easily exchanged with one another.

Taylorisation is always a process towards the same, the sameness of the world. Imitation, reproduction, factitiousness, are at the very core of the Taylorian revolution, which amounts to nothing less than a second Industrial Revolution. Imitation for the sake of mass production, precipitating the era of mass reproduction so well observed and analyzed by Walter Benjamin and so well exploited by Andy Warhol, Pop Art and Pop Musicis what made Taylorism particularly appropriate and suitable for the advent of the petite-bourgeoisie as the new ruling class, which it certainly helped to achieve.

High Finance was an old lady of practically unlimited means but execrable reputation.

Ethan Owens - should high schools provide condoms

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should condoms be available in high school essay

Jul 23,  · Condoms should be used when performing oral sex on a penis, and dental dams should be used for anal or vaginal oral sex. A college student's calendar should include more than midterms and essay due dates: be sure to pencil in important checkups and STD tests. High school sweethearts usually break up around Thanksgiving Break of their Essay Fountain: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately Should flipped learning be encouraged in high schools and colleges? How to deal with school violence and minimize resultant harm. Education Debate Topics. Is a college degree essential for getting a good job? Do all students have to purchase a laptop? Boarding school does more harm than good to students. College should be free for everyone

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