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Research methods help notes pdf

Research methods help notes pdf

research methods help notes pdf

Multi-methods: Using more than one research method Evaluation research, applied, action research = use qual + quant research methods Mixing Methods: Usually this works well, but depending on the topic/population, there can be limits: Ex: Doing Grounded Theory with Survey data: really impossible because whomever developed the outset. Or you may change your mind about your research aims, or the best methods, as you do the research. In general, it is best to plan your research in advance as far as possible, but be flexible and expect to change your mind to some extent. You will find many books on research methods in the library. Saunders et al ( or laterFile Size: KB several distinctly different methods that can be used to collect data. As with most research design techniques, each method has advantages and limitations. Perhaps the most interesting and challenging of these is the method of observation. (In a sense, all of behavioral research is based upon observation

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Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. And A. Alarape of the Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan.

The new section introduces participants to the application of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and OpenCode in data analysis, thus complementing the manual method to which participants were exposed in the past. The goal is to ensure that each participants acquires functional level of computer literacy in this regard on which s he can build thereafter. Adigun Agbaje and A. It was not clear to me then that I was expected to prepare written texts ahead of the lectures.

I could not deliver on this promise in the life of Course 10, and it took the persistence of then Commodore O. Azazi for the written texts to be completed. The lectures seek to equip participants with the basic tools of scientific research applicable not only in their current spheres of activity but also in the wider arena of human society at large.

As introductory lectures, they do not pretend to be exhaustive or definitive. Adigun Agbaje Ibadan 02 September, NATURE AND LANGUAGE OF SCI ENTI FI C RESEARCH This first set of lectures introduces participants to the essence of scientific research in the social sciences and the humanities.

In summary form, the lecture highlights the nature of scientific research and why it is to be preferred to non-scientific methods of acquiring, validating and updating knowledge and belief. Participants are also introduced to key elements in the research methods help notes pdf of scientific research.

The lectures end with guidelines on the writing of research proposals. NATURE AND I MPORTANCE OF SCI ENTI FI C RESEARCH On a daily basis, we acquire new knowledge, validate or reject long-held ones, reaffirm old beliefs, and get on with our lives. How do we do all this, given the mass of information data that we do have to process from day to day?

Although the process of validating or acquiring or rejecting knowledge and our beliefs might appear to be random, there is an order, a systematic dimension, to it.

How do you react to such statements? Would the response to both statements not be affirmative, confirming the accuracy of the two observations?

Does it not agree with reason, common sense, research methods help notes pdf, all that we know, our intuition, that soldiers, trained to kill and experienced in battle, would do better on the battle field than a rabble of conscripts that are untrained, inexperienced and probably pressed to war against their wish?

Does it not agree with reason, common sense, history, and intuition that politicians have more skills in running government than ordinary citizens, and would therefore do a better job in this regard? And Wrong. Take this report that touches on the first statement, for instance: A United States army colonel, Colonel S.

Marshall, conducted a scientific study of men in about infantry companies during the Second World War. His finding: On average, research methods help notes pdf, only 15 percent of troops fired their guns at all in battle, even when their positions were directly under attack and their lives in danger. The study showed that the men tended to fire their weapons when others, especially officers, were present, but not when more isolated.

Think also about the following, which touches on STATEMENT TWO: It is often forgotten that the original, classical, definition and practice of democracy involved direct and physical involvement in governance by all citizens.

It is also at variance with the original meaning of democracy, research methods help notes pdf. Many roads lead to the market, we are reminded. The non-scientific methods are those of tenacity, authority and intuition. We believe in God because we believe in God. We know that soldiers do better in battle because General T. Danjuma says so. We believe in God because the Holy Quran and the Research methods help notes pdf Bible say so.

This authority can take either of several forms or a combination thereof. In fact, they are equally pre-scientific in the sense that the method of science grew out of a felt need to addresses perceived weaknesses in these non-scientific methods. Knowledge derived from any of these methods tends to be space-specific, source- specific, time-bound, not universal, and highly perishable. In describing the transition from the non-scientific methods to the scientific method of knowledge acquisition, a philosopher of science in the early 20th century, Charles Peirce, has this to say: To satisfy our doubts …, it is necessary that a method be found by which our beliefs may be determined by nothing human, but by some external permanency — by something upon which our thinking has no effect.

The method must be such that the ultimate conclusion of every man shall be the same. Such is the method of science. Its fundamental hypothesis is this - there are real things, whose characters are entirely independent of our opinions about them. b The Scientific Method By this method, we acquire knowledge through empirical investigation conducted according to laid down and well-defined rules and procedures for collecting, analyzing and evaluating information also called data.

The scientific method involves the application of the rules of science in the search for knowledge. Thus, we get to know because widely accepted scientific procedures lead us to research methods help notes pdf. It is a critical method.

It emphasizes openness in the search for knowledge, insisting that all research methods help notes pdf and procedures be reported as fully and publicly as  possible. It is a systematic and controlled method. A scientific investigation must follow a  well-ordered, tightly disciplined procedure. It is empirical, grounded in observation and experience.

It leads research methods help notes pdf the collection of evidence and the testing of such evidence. In other words, the method largely focuses on what is, rather than what ought to be, in terms of the evidence from which it seeks to validate knowledge or belief.

Because it insists on full disclosure and explicitness of procedures, the research methods help notes pdf makes it possible for a particular study to be repeated by others across time and space with a view to corroborating or refuting its findings. It thus leads to knowledge that can be transmitted across time and space, since it is itself a social process. It is provisional. It is open-ended. It has no room for oracles or infallibility.

The Scientific Process As indicated above, the scientific method prescribes laid down steps and procedures for knowledge research methods help notes pdf that are more or less universally accepted.

This is the essence of the research process, presented below in the form of the research cycle as well as in terms of the basic steps and stages in scientific investigation, research methods help notes pdf. As a cycle, the research process takes off in terms of the identification of a research problem or idea. No meaningful scientific research can be undertaken without a valid statement of the problem the research seeks to address.

A research problem is not the same as problems in everyday life. It shows clearly the gap to be filled, issues to be clarified, by the proposed study. This then leads to the actual conduct of the study under consideration.

The study generates its own conclusion s that, of course, should relate to and address the original research problem that led to the study in the first instance. Step II: Conduct a Literature Review: Go through libraries and other resource centers including electronic ones and review work already done in the area under investigation. Step III: Identify and define your key concepts. Step IV: Formulate Research Questions, research methods help notes pdf, Objectives and Hypotheses as appropriate, research methods help notes pdf.

Step V: Collect your Data. Step VI: Analyse and Discuss your Data. Step VII: Draw Appropriate Conclusion s. Step VIII: Write the Research Report. In more detail, this translates as basic stages in research as indicated below: Steps in Conducting Scientific Research Problem Stage 1. Identify the PROBLEM area. Planning Stage 4. Select and specify the DATA ANALYSIS methods. Execution Stage 7. Execute research as planned; 8. ANALYSE the data, answering research questions, meeting research objectives and testing hypotheses specified; report findings of tests and any additional information of interest to the research problem, research methods help notes pdf.

How Scientific Knowledge is Produced Basically, there are two ways by which scientific knowledge can be produced. These are through the methods of induction and deduction. Induction is a process of moving from specific  First he or she observes phenomena and records them. observations to a general conclusion.

It is at this final stage that what is called a theory more on this laterin the form of a general principle that explains what has been discovered, can emerge.

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research methods help notes pdf

linear method of note taking that gives the notes a relatively classic “textual” appearance. This objective is particularly clear-cut in notes taken by students at higher levels in the university system (Boch, ). The use of a variety of note taking methods is much more common in the professional world. 3 Multi-methods: Using more than one research method Evaluation research, applied, action research = use qual + quant research methods Mixing Methods: Usually this works well, but depending on the topic/population, there can be limits: Ex: Doing Grounded Theory with Survey data: really impossible because whomever developed the Download File PDF Research Methodology A Step By Guide Research Methodology A Step By Guide Practical and straightforward, this book is a multidisciplinary introduction to the process of planning, conducting and analysing qualitative research, from selecting appropriate methods to

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