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Cultural awareness essay

Cultural awareness essay

cultural awareness essay

Oct 07,  · About Cultural Awareness. by Essay Examples 2 months ago 1k Views. The world as people know it is getting smaller and smaller as a result of globalization and technological enhancements. The two has made it attainable for people from varied cultural, racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds to speak, work together and travel from one country to another half a world away easily Words6 Pages. Cultural awareness and cultural knowledge are hugely important in the society we live in today. Ireland is transforming into a society of many cultures as growing numbers of people from various ethnic backgrounds and cultures settle here. With 18% of the Irish population in expected to be foreign national (HSE, ) an effort must be made to adapt to these cultures within Cultural Awareness. words 3 page (s) This assignment will be about cultural awareness. It will discuss bullet points outlined in the instructions and then close with some gains and new awareness brought up from personal growth as well as what has been learned during the duration of taking this course. Let’s begin about where I originally came from as it is important to the entire message within

Cultural Awareness Essay - Words | Cram

Cultural Awareness on Country Children Cultural awareness is the ability to be aware of other peoples' culture. Even with our different cultures, all of us cultural awareness essay be treated equally.

In addition, we should be aware of other peoples' cultures. This might involve getting to know about traditional beliefs, meaning of words, remedies, phrases, gestures, customs, significant holidays, rituals, and activities. It involves continuously developing awareness of our own and others' culture. It becomes central when we interact and meet with people of different cultures.

People have different ways of evaluating, interpreting, and viewing things. Mostly, cultural awareness essay, what is considered as inappropriate behavior in one culture is frequently viewed as appropriate in another one's culture. Misunderstandings arise when we use our own meaning to describe the sense of our reality.

It is a difficult task to become aware of our cultural dynamics because it is not conscience to us. Most of us…. References Harris, L. New Kid in School: Cultural awareness essay Literature to Help Children in Transition, cultural awareness essay.

Michigan: Teachers College Press Machado, cultural awareness essay, J. Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts: Early Literacy. New York: Cengage Learning. Cultural Awareness Cesar Cesar is a patient who presents with psychotic symptoms associated with acute trauma, cultural awareness essay. A Mexican citizen, he has a criminal history in Mexico, but after being released from prison six years earlier he immigrated illegally to the United States.

He has resided and worked illegally, and was recently arrested by the California Highway Patrol CHP for a traffic violation. Upon interviewing him the CPH detained him and requested that the local gang intervention task force interview him because he has tattoos related to the well-known street gang the Latin Kings.

Cesar was not charged with any crime, and his detention report notes that he was held at a routine traffic stop because the officers felt he "appeared suspicious. Cultural awareness essay was…. References McClain, P. Annual Review of Political Science Vol, cultural awareness essay.

Mental Health of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Nursing Science. Cultural Awareness Americans have traditionally celebrated the diversity of cultures that comprises the United States.

Despite some reservations, much of the country still believes that the amalgamation of different ethnicities contributes to the richness of American culture.

The merging of cultures in the United States has also given rise to conflicts and collisions, as established concepts are confronted and challenged. New belief systems, often developed over centuries, have already redefined prevailing estern cultural concepts.

This paper examines how prevailing estern cultural concepts regarding the soul and spirituality, gender and healing have been challenged and redefined by a growing awareness of cultural alternatives.

Some of these concepts, such as gender, were redefined largely within an American context. Many, such as healing and spirituality, have been influenced by Eastern and African cultures and religions.

The first part of the paper looks at the various cultural meanings of healing, as practiced by the…. Works Cited Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures. New York: Farrar, cultural awareness essay, Straus and Giroux, Feminist Research Center. March Feminist Majority Foundation. Grenz, Stanley. A Primer on Postmodernism.

Grand Rapids: Wm. Eerdmans Publishing, Some, cultural awareness essay, Malidoma Cultural awareness essay. The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose through Nature, Ritual and Community. New York: Putnam, In fact, unless specified otherwise, it can be considered quite rude to come 'on time.

Mexican culture is often characterized as far more past-oriented than Anglo cultures. Mexico, for instance, is usually viewed as a fatalistic culture where the past is in control of the present and future, cultural awareness essay.

A lack of popular involvement in the government and sense of autonomy over bureaucratic government decisions can foster a sense of powerlessness, cultural awareness essay, which may be reinforced by the strong, relatively homogeneous Catholic tradition of the nation, cultural awareness essay, interwoven with folk customs.

References "Mexican farmers protest. January 31, html "Mexican social etiquette. php 1. Cultural Awareness in omania The objective of this work in writing is to examine cultural awareness in omania, cultural awareness essay.

The official language of omania is stated to be that of omanian and the primary issues in relation to language in omania is stated to be the "protection of the languages of the 10 minority ethnic groups. Compendium, INthe Ministry of Culture and National Heritage priorities are "supporting the national heritage and contemporary creation.

References Doing Business in Romania Rabobank International. Current issues in cultural policy development and debate Compendium. Leadership Quality The two quizzes I took were the Working Globally Across Cultures quiz and the India country quiz. The results can be seen in the Appendix. I was a bit surprised at my score, as I felt Cultural awareness essay understood other cultures a bit better than the results of the quiz indicated.

I did not pass either one. On the first I scored a 6 out of 10 and on the second I scored a 5 out of 7. My strengths in intercultural awareness are that I have a good sense that other cultures are indeed different and that it is important to understand them, as Hofstedeshows; however, when it cultural awareness essay to specific customs and practices, I am not so knowledgeable—and the quizzes show that.

It is essential that a leader actually have a good deal of cultural awareness essay about other cultures. Cultural Differences As stated by the question to be answered in this brief report, there are many psychologists that assert that there can be barriers and issues that exist when a person of one cultural background interviews someone from a different cultural background. The differences in culture can be things like religion, race, ethnicity, upbringing and nation of origin, just to name a few.

Just one example would be Muslims that come to the United States and find a culture that is entirely different than what they are used to or acclimated to in their country of birth.

While it is possible to achieve an interview-oriented connection with someone from a different cultural background, bridging the divide can be quite difficult even with the best of intentions. Analysis One major barrier when it comes to bridging the cultural divide in an interview or discussion of any sort would be religion. References Leri, P. Interviewing Across Cultures. University of Michigan. opportunities to improve the cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training at Hilton Hotels International, Inc.

This study was important because Cultural awareness essay Hotels compete in 78 countries across six continents and hosts guests from virtually every country in the world during a given year.

In order to continue to its efforts that began in the late s to rebuild its eroded brand, Hilton Hotels has sought to exceed customer expectations at every turn. To achieve this goal, the study examines how Hilton Hotels can identify existing resources and use them to their optimal effect cultural awareness essay developing timely human resource responses to the need for cross-cultural and cultural-awareness training.

To this end, Chapter One cultural awareness essay the study introduces the company and the issues under consideration, followed by a SWOT analysis of Hilton Hotels in Chapter Two. An analysis of the world's most widely spoken languages and their impact on Hilton Hotels in Chapter Three….

References 'About Hilton. Hilton Hotels International, Inc. Beirman, D. Restoring Tourism Destinations in Crisis: A Strategic Marketing Approach. Crows Nest, N. Introduction Police officers interact with the public on a daily basis, requiring cross-cultural competency and communications skills. Whereas lack of awareness of cross-cultural cultural awareness essay may lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, cultural competency can foster harmonious relationships among multiple community stakeholders, cultural awareness essay.

Misunderstandings can also lead to inefficiencies in inter-agency communication, potentially complicating cases by unnecessarily diverting a case to child protective services or the courts. For police officers, cross-cultural competencies impact interactions with citizens, victims, suspects, and coworkers.

Cross-cultural competency directly affects the quality of service delivery. Scenario One Scenario One shows how even a little police officer knowledge about traditional medicine in Asian communities could have prevented the problems in this case. While it is…. Cultural diversity refers to the diverse varieties of human cultures that exist in a certain region, society or in the world as a whole. The characteristics of diversity may cultural awareness essay ethnicity, traditions, geographic background, language spoken, religious beliefs, race or physical features.

This term is also based on the idea that different cultures should respect each other's differences. With the global integration, the need for communication in accordance with other person's cultural awareness has intensified, cultural awareness essay.

Many times, any gesture that is considered offensive in one culture is completely accepted in the other culture. Hence, cultural awareness essay, people sometimes develop misunderstandings when communicating with someone from a different culture.

Reflective Essay on Cultural Identity Sample

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Essay on Cultural Awareness - Words | Bartleby

cultural awareness essay

Cultural Awareness Essay - Words | Cram. Show More. Check Writing Quality. Cultural awareness is an issue people need to take a step back towards and realize how other cultures function with their values, beliefs, and perceptions. Throughout our lives we encounter and interact with people from various cultures and it is up to use to determine how to interact with them Aug 27,  · Cultural awareness is the sensitivity and respect for cultural diversity or the fact that people from various cultures have different values, beliefs and traditions. Different histories and traditions result in culturally-prescribed particulars on how Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Jun 21,  · Cultural Awareness Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda. Available only on IvyPanda. Updated: Jun 21st, Culture is an important element of diversity at the workplace. As a result, cultural awareness at a company of employees is crucial because of business globalization and the need to celebrate and appreciate diversity

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