Saturday, November 27, 2021

Effect of smoking essay

Effect of smoking essay

effect of smoking essay

Cigarettes can cause cancer, heart disease, strokes, lung diseases, diabetes, and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Smoking increases the risk of problems with the immune system, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Continue Reading Cause And Effects Essay: The Effects Of Smoking Tobacco. Words6 Pages. The Effects of Smoking Tobacco. Smoking cigarettes is known to be a direct cause contributing to cancer and numerous heart diseases. With addiction issues, those who smoke will not only get the effects of the tobacco but, they will also receive the cancer-causing chemicals which can lead to health issues such as heart Smoking effect on reproduction and fertility are very serious. Smoking can increase risk of feebleness, and can damage sperm by reducing sperm count and casing testicular cancer (Team, ). Everybody knows the harm of smoking but nobody cares to stop it, this attitude towards smoking should be changed

Effects of Smoking Essay | Bartleby

Scoop Feedz. Learn why smoking is so dangerous for our body? Discussed through Smoking Essay in English for everyone who wants to quit smoking, effect of smoking essay. How it directly effect on our Health? In the present society, cigarette smoking is glamorized. Effect of smoking essay and more people in metro-cities, especially the young generation is getting addicted to smoking. Regardless of their harmful effects, people are still smoking day and night.

Scientific research and various studies have been conducted to find out the ill-effects of smoking on human health. It has been proved that smoking can be fatal since it is root causes many deadly diseases. So considering the ill-effects, there should be some restrictions on smoking, effect of smoking essay. But in liberated society, people talk about their individual freedom and right to live their life according to their wishes.

In that case, the right of the non-smoker to get pollution free environment should be taken care of. A total ban on smoking is not that easy and perhaps not possible. It has however been banned in public places. You can avoid this, by taking simple effect of smoking essay such as strong determination to quit, see the harmful effects of smoking on our body. Initially, it is difficult to quit smoking from the first day, but over time you can see a lot of improvement in yourself, this is only possible if you have strong will-power.

RELATED : 7 Reasons why Reading Habits are Important. Smoking is one of the evil that is devastating health. It injures our mind and physique. On every packet of a cigarette, one can see the warning lines effect of smoking essay it has got a little effect. In western countries, women are addicted to smoking. Effect of smoking essay much of smoking affects our nervous system. It has a poison type acid that eats away our lungs and heart.

Slowly it makes the action of the nervous system slow, affecting the heart and circulatory system. Smoking causes many fatal diseases like cancer, effect of smoking essay, heart attack, asthma and loss of appetite.

The atmosphere is polluted and its effects are more on a person who is sitting by the side of the smoker. It reduces stamina and life span. Tobacco contains nicotine, a kind of substance that affects the lungs. It may even cause cancer of the lung, which is an incurable and dangerous ailment. A man who uses tobacco in any form falls a victim to diseases of many kinds. His hunger is lost.

Food is not well assimilated in the system. So the health of the affected person starts declining slowly but surely. It is a slow but direct gateway to death. Many have lost their lives. Now you should realize the negative side of smoking, we have highlighted the dangers of smoking essay that explains the Harmful Effects of Smoking on Health.

It is high time for them to shun the habit of smoking. We must realize the harmful effects of smoking and enlightened the people about effect of smoking essay dangerous consequences. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Essay Topics Letter Writing Hindi Essay Confused Words COVID UPDATE.

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Smoking Kills Essay In English For Students - Essay writing - Smoking Is Injurious to Health

, time: 13:56

Cause And Effects Essay: The Effects Of Smoking Tobacco |

effect of smoking essay

Smoking effect on reproduction and fertility are very serious. Smoking can increase risk of feebleness, and can damage sperm by reducing sperm count and casing testicular cancer (Team, ). Everybody knows the harm of smoking but nobody cares to stop it, this attitude towards smoking should be changed Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking Words | 4 Pages. Secondly smoking approximately result in 3, lung cancer deaths of non-smokers which is given off by the end of the burning cigarette and by the smokers exhalation. REASONS OF SMOKING 1) Youngsters try to look “cool” 2) Smoking acts as a stress reliever. 3) To control their weight Jun 30,  · 10 lines on Smoking Essay | Negative Effects on Health. Smoking affects both active (who do smoking) and passive (who doesn’t smoke) smokers. In modern society, TV and movies have glamourized cigarette smoking. It causes cancer, damage to the nervous system; cardiac diseases, asthma, lung cancer etc. can be caused by blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

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