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University of Helsinki doctoral dissertation form - submitting information
Instructions are in brackets and in italics next to the field concerned. When you have filled in the form, click the Preview button at the end of the form.
You will then be directed to a page, which lists the information you have submitted. At his point you can easily check the information, and also print it. If necessary, you can return to the previous stage to correct eventual mistakes. If you need help with the form or would like to give feedback, please contact Helsinki university library e-thesis helsinki. fi The telephone number will not be published, but may be needed as contact information. Please fill in the exact location, for instance Biokeskus 2, auditorioViikinkaari 5.
Please doctoral dissertation help helsinki university in the link to the Unitube or Zoom stream of the public discussion. The alternative title is the one in Finnish if that is not the language of the dissertation, or if it is, the alternative title is the English one.
Faculty which have given the permission to defend the dissertation. Optional name of department unit can be typed in the unit field. The unit is typed in using the language Finnish, English or Swedish of the dissertation. Please, use the language of the dissertation.
If you would like to include more than one research institution, use the semi-colon between them; for instance: University of Tampere, Faculty of Information Sciences, Department of Computer Sciences; University of Helsinki, Doctoral dissertation help helsinki university of Biotechnology.
Please choose one to six fields of science which describe your dissertation national classification by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This field is mandatory only if the dissertation is published in electronic form.
Scientific abstract is the abstract in English. Please leave an empty line between paragraphs. The abstract can be typed in or copied and pasted. Recommended maximum length is one page characters. Popular abstract is the abstract in Finnish or Swedish. For doctoral dissertation help helsinki university press release, you can tell about yourself within the limits of one paragraph: your date and place of birth, high school you graduated etc.
Suomeksi På svenska In English. Home Instructions Contact us. Personal details Family name, doctoral dissertation help helsinki university. First name. Degree e. Telephone The telephone number will not be published, but may be needed as contact information. Location Please fill in the exact location, for instance Biokeskus 2, auditorioViikinkaari 5. Live stream Please fill in the link to the Unitube or Zoom stream of the public discussion. Campus City Kumpula Meilahti-Ruskeasuo Viikki Helsinki other locations Metropolitan area other locations Finland other locations.
Name of custos last name, first name. Name last name, first name Position or Title. Alternative title The alternative title is the one in Finnish if that is not the language of the dissertation, or if it is, the alternative title is the English one. Language of the dissertation English Finnish Swedish German French Spanish Russian Italian Other. The dissertation is a Monograph based on articles. Faculty Select faculty Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Arts Faculty of Educational Sciences Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Faculty of Science Faculty of Law Faculty of Theology Faculty of Social Sciences, doctoral dissertation help helsinki university.
Unit Faculty which have given the permission to defend the dissertation. Field of science Please choose one to six fields of science which describe your dissertation national classification by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Name last name, first name. Place of publication. Year of publication. ISBN e. Title of series. ISSN of series e. Publication The electronic dissertation will be published in Helda, the file will be sent by Unigrafia The electronic dissertation will be published in Helda, doctoral dissertation help helsinki university file will be sent by the author The electronic dissertation will not be published in Helda, but in another website.
Please type in the address: Dissertation is not published in electronic form, doctoral dissertation help helsinki university. ISBN of electronic dissertation e. Name of electronic publication series. ISSN of electronic publication series e. Scientific abstract Scientific abstract is the abstract in English.
Doctoral dissertation help helsinki university abstract Popular abstract is the abstract in Finnish or Swedish. Personal information For the press release, you can tell about yourself within the limits of one paragraph: your date and place of birth, high school you graduated etc.
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The Elements of the Doctoral Dissertation Process
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Doctoral Dissertation Help Helsinki University, Essay On Uses And Abuses Of Internet In Urdu, Popular Problem Solving Writer For Hire For Mba, Florida Peoplesoft Resume/10() Jun 23, · A doctoral dissertation must consist of peer-reviewed scholarly publications or manuscripts accepted for publication, as well as a summarising report on the said documents (an article-based dissertation); or it must be a scholarly work in the name of the doctoral candidate alone and based on previously unpublished research results (a monograph) Doctoral Dissertation Help Helsinki University, Medicine Personal Statement Editing Service, Greenery For Healthy Living Essays, 4 Paragraph Essay Of Aztecs/10()
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